About Me


Welcome to a Jetlagged Life - Mine


I started flying - often alone - at 7 years old, on long-defunct Texas International Airlines. My mom worked in the airline industry for decades and I grew up traveling the world - typically for free. Now, I travel world for one reason: To collect experiences. And no better experiences exist beyond connecting with other cultures -- jetlag be damned.

Having landed in more than 65 countries on the six habitable continents, I've experienced the good, the bad and the sublime of world travel. The Jetlagged Life is my guide for helping you experience the world in a more fulfilling manner.


How I Got Started

I was bitten with the travel bug when I was 7 years old. My parents took me and my siblings camping and sightseeing that summer and I was hooked. Since then, I've been to over 10 countries and I plan on more!


Top Destinations

My favorite place to visit so far has been Denmark. I absolutely loved the colors and architecture in Copenhagen. I hope I get to go back soon!